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Lay Pastor Program

On this page, you will find the tracks specifically set aside to prepare members to become lay pastors. The intent of this program is to equip the called to serve as local, volunteer lay pastors. You may ask, what is a lay pastor? Well, according to Ministry Magazine, "The term lay pastor means a person serving as church pastor with minimal to no pay and no higher ministry education.3 This model corresponds to that of the New Testament elder." If you feel called to ministry, talk to Karen Lewis, MN Conference Ministerial Director. You can apply for the program at Finally, do the Lay Pastor Program track during the CLS! See the schedule below.

Lay Pastor Training - Step 1

9:15 a.m.

What is a lay pastor? Join Pastor Karen Lewis, Minnesota Conference Ministerial Director in Shilplin, part of the Stockinger Suite. 

10:15 a.m.

Conflict Resolution is something we must be familiar and well versed in. Join the rest of the convention attendees in Terry Haws C as Stan Patterson shares with us.

2:15 p.m.

Join Stan Patterson as he helps us understand the Seventh-day Adventist Church and our unique structure and governance. You can find him in Shilplin, part of the Stockinger Suite.

3:15 p.m.

Join Jeff Scoggins as he teaches the basics of preaching & homiletics (and learn what homiletics really is!). He'll be presenting in Shilplin, part of the Stockinger Suite.

4:15 p.m.

Join Jeff Scoggins for Part B of the basics of preaching & homiletics (and learn what homiletics really is!). He'll be presenting in Shilplin, part of the Stockinger Suite.

5:15 p.m.

Join Pastor Karen Lewis once more for a session on how to give a Bible study. You can find her in Shilplin, part of the Stockinger Suite.

6:30 p.m.

Join Pastor Joel Kratzke as he shares the basics and process of a successful church visitation program. He will be presenting in Shilplin, part of the Stockinger Suite.

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