Special Tracks

The Adventurer program was created to assist parents in their important responsibilities as a child’s primary teachers and evangelizers. The program aims to strengthen the parent/child relationship and to further the child’s development in spiritual, physical, mental, and social areas. Through the Adventurer Program, the church, home, and school can work together with the parent to develop a mature, happy child.

Children's Ministry
Coordinating children’s ministries in the local church requires more than passion and a love for children. Children’s leaders and teachers need to understand children and how they grow their faith. They need to know how to organize programs, teach children, nurture them and meet their needs.

Lay Pastor Program
God calls every member of the church into ministry. The church is a kingdom of priests set free to minister effectively for Christ. Our priesthood is to each other within the church and to the world. A lay pastor is a ministering servant of God, and, like every Christian, is called to ministry, gifted by the Holy Spirit, and in baptism ordained for ministry (Eph. 4:11-12).
God supplies each person in the church with the resources for ministry—scripture, spiritual power, God’s character, and spiritual gifts. A lay pastor is equipped for his or her ministry by the gifts received from the Holy Spirit.

Pathfinders are a worldwide organization of young people sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, though young people of any religious persuasion, or none at all, are welcome and encouraged to join the organization. Staff positions are available in many locations that offer adults the opportunity to make a difference for young people, develop friendships with fellow staff, learn more about God's creation, and improve their training skills.